high-quality wigs for thicker hair-TressAllure Wigs - Clarissa (M1503)

Color Cherrywood HL Princess Ivory Deep Sepia Silky Sand Chiffon Candy Cocoa Bean Cola Swirl Dark Amber HL Deep Forest English Tea HL Frosty Blonde HL Honey Bean Midnight Coffee Mimosa HL Misty Sunrise Mocha Gold Satin Gold Sheer Plum Silver Shadow (92) Sugar Brulee Sunset Glow Velvet Cream Walnut Brown
Size Average

Wig featuresMonofilament Top, Double Mono

A sleek and gorgeous modern bob wig, perfectly layered with texture and volume. You can part any direction you prefer: to the left, right or even center.

Cap Construction: Mono Top - soft double mono & volume lifting cap on crown.
Adjustable straps to tighten or loosen the cap size.

Length: Fringe 5", Crown 6.75", Nape 2"
: 2.8 oz
Cap Size
: Average

Color Shown:  Cherrywood HL, Deep Sepia, Princess Ivory, Silky Sand

Wig Colors: Cherrywood HL, Chiffon Candy, Cocoa Bean, Cola Swirl, Dark Amber HL, Deep Forest, Deep Sepia, English Tea HL, Frosty Blonde HL, Honey Bean, Midnight Coffee, Mimosa HL, Misty Sunrise, Mocha Gold, Princess Ivory, Satin Gold, Sheer Plum, Silky Sand, Silver Shadow (92), Sugar Brulee, Sunset Glow, Velvet Cream, Walnut Brown